Rohida Photos

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Basic Info: Also called as Vichitragad, Rohida is one of the best forts among the forts in the Bhor region. Raireshwar and Kenjalgad which also fall in the same region can be covered if you have ample of time.
This fort is definitely a must visit place for folks who want to experience moderate trekking experience. 

Routes: If you are heading from Pune, you have to take the NH4 highway and head towards Bhor.Just after the Kapurhol phata on NH4 , there is a diversion to the right that goes to Bhor. 
From Bhor you will have to head to Bajarwadi village which is the base village for Rohida fort.
Vehicles can be parked at the Primary School at Bajarwadi.

What to see: Fort is mostly barren and flat, but there are a few points to checkout. We have listed the major points on the fort below

  •  Rohideshwar Mandir
  • Bastion on the fort - Most of the bastions on the fort are intact.
  • Main door
  • Water Cisterns
  • Water Reservoirs

Best time to visit: The best time to visit Rohida is during the rainy season. 
For people who like camping, winter is ideal. Cooking food over a bonfire and star gazing will be just blissful.

Camping info: Highly recommended fort for camping. People who do not have tents can take shelter in the Temple which can accomodate around 5-6 people.
Since most of the fort is just plain flat land, we would recommend that you setup your campsite where the wind is less. In windy parts of the fort, starting a bonfire gets real tough and there are chances that fire might spread.
Ensure that you carry plenty of water and blankets to keep you warm in the winters. It gets extremely cold during the winters.

Also ensure that you do not setup your campsite in corners where there are chances of snakes and crawlers to sneak by. 
The last time when we had gone for a overnight trek at Rohida, we saw a huge snake and most of us were awake the whole night.

Please leave a comment below for others if you have been to Rohida or you have any questions related to Rohida trek.