Mandangad Photos

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Basic Info: Mandangad, which is also called as Chitradurga fort is a beautiful fort located in Ratnagiri.This was one of the forts captured by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the battle with Adil Shah. 
Ideal fort for trekkers who want to visit a place where there is less rush and you can be on your own on the mountains.

How to Reach: Travelers from Pune can take the normal route that you would take while travelling to any beach in the Konkan Area. You got to take the route via Tamhini ghat - Mangaon - Lonere - Ambet  and then finally the Mandangad town.
Vehicles can be parked at the base vllage.

What to see: There are quite a few things to see on this fort apart from the natural beauty surrounding it. We have listed a few things below

  • Ganesh Temple - This has been recently renovated.
  • Thorla Talav - Lake
  • Bastions on the fort
  • Tanks on the fort
  •  Cannon - This is a 400 years old cannon that is a major attraction

Best time to visit: The best time to visit this fort is without any doubt the winter season. Winters are pleasant in the Konkan area of Maharashtra.
During rainy season, it rainy very heavily and you might not have a good experience during the rains.

Camping Info: We would not recommend camping here as its a small fort. Good for a one day trip.
But, if you do want to camp, ensure that you carry your own food and enough water. Also as there is no natural shelter on the fort, you might want to take some tents along with you. 

Please leave a comment below for others if you have been to Mandangad or you have any questions related to Mandangad trek.