Place to Stay for a night at Rajmachi?

I am planning a ride for a few friends of mine from pune to Rajmachi on saturday and sunday. Do you know any place in Rajmachi that offers stay for one night? 
None of my friends have camping gear an I do not have enough room to offer it to them either. Beacuse the rains have stalled, I am planning for a ride instead of a trek. It would be really great if you can point me in the direction of some options for stay that I might get over there.


You can camp at the base village of Rajmachi. I am not sure if the villagers will offer you a proper room for night stay, but they wont mind if you sleep in their front yard. You might have to take sleeping material along with you.
The villagers will help you with gathering firewood for bonfire or making maggi etc.

There is a cave on Rajmachi Fort which can be used for camping, but it is not recommended in this winter. Temperature gets pretty cold up on the mountains.

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