Chavand Photos

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Basiv Info: Chavand is a hill fort located at around 30kms from Narayangaon in the Junnar region of Maharashtra. Difficulty level for trekking is moderate and it takes just an hour to get to the top of the fort. Ideal for a one day trek or even for an overnight trek.
The surrounding region of this fort is just awesome and you will get to see flora and fauna at its best.

How to Reach: The road is via Manchar- Narayangaon - Junnar and then to the fort. Once you get to Junnar, the locals can help you with the internal roads to the fort. 
Google has a pretty accurate road map. Vehicles can be parked from the base village from where the actual trek starts.

Difficulty and other useful tips: This is rated as a moderate trek. But, we would still recommend you to take plenty of water and food supplies with you. The base village is pretty remote and you wont get proper food or water there.

What to see

  • Saptamatrika [Seven Cisterns] - These are the water tanks on the fort which have a good historical significance. Unfortunately, during the time the Britishers attacked, these tanks were damaged a bit
  • Hanuman Made caves 
  • Temple of goddess Chamunda - At the top of the fort is the temple of the goddess called Chamunda.

Camping Info: The caves on the fort might look ideal for camping, but they are not. There are plenty of mice in this area which can give you a hard time at night, and you definitely do not want to bitten by one of them. 
Even if you have tents, make sure that you do not carry any eatbles inside your tent. As far as possible the camp site and food preparation site while camping should be far away from each other.

Some basic things to carry for overnight treks are listed below

  • Plenty of water [atleast 4 litres per person]
  • Food [Something that can be easily cooked or something that can be eaten without cooking]
  • Proper shelter [tents]
  • Firewood and matches [in winters the temperatures drop pretty low]

Please leave a comment below for others if you have been to Chavand or you have any questions related to Chavand trek.